VMWare Server 2.0 auf Ubuntu 9.04 32bit


Die Files für den kostenlosen VMWARE Server 2.0 findet man auf der Homepage vmware.com. Um an die Installationspakete zu gelangen, muss man sich allerdings mit Mailadresse registrieren und einen kurzen Fragebogen zum Hintergrund des Downloads (Test, Proof of concept, etc.) ausfüllen. Wie sorgfältig das getan wird, hängt natürlich vom jeweiligen Nutzer ab.

Für den VMWARE Server 2.0 auf Ubuntu Linux 9.04 braucht man die Datei VMware-server-2.0.1-156745.i386.tar.gz . Das RPM Paket ist sicherlich für alle Benutzer von Redhat, Fedora und SuSE Benutzer ideal, unter Ubuntu verwende ich allerdings lieber die andere Variante.

Ist der Download abgeschlossen, ist die Datei erstmal zu entpacken. Dies geschieht am leichtesten mittels Rechtsklick auf das .tar Archiv mit anschließendem „Hier entpacken“.
Im daraus entstandenen Verzeichnis liegt dann u. a. die Datei vmware-install.pl. Ich starte die Installation nach dem Wechsel in das neue Verzeichnis in einem Terminalfenster mit sudo ./vmware-install.pl.

Im weiteren Verlauf werden folgende Fragen gestellt:

  • In which directory do you want to install the binary files?
  • What is the directory that contains the init directories (rc0.d/ to rc6.d/)?
  • What is the directory that contains the init scripts?
  • In which directory do you want to install the library files?
  • The path „/usr/lib/vmware“ does not exist currently. This program is going to create it, including needed parent directories. Is this what you want?
    [yes] # Danach folgt eine kleinere Pause bzw. ist der Rechner beschäftigt
  • In which directory do you want to install the manual files?
  • In which directory do you want to install the documentation files?
  • The path „/usr/share/doc/vmware“ does not exist currently. This program is
    going to create it, including needed parent directories. Is this what you want?
  • The installation of VMware Server 2.0.1 build-156745 for Linux completed
    successfully. You can decide to remove this software from your system at any
    time by invoking the following command: „/usr/bin/vmware-uninstall.pl“.

    Before running VMware Server for the first time, you need to configure it by
    invoking the following command: „/usr/bin/vmware-config.pl“. Do you want this
    program to invoke the command for you now?

  • Making sure services for VMware Server are stopped.Stopping VMware autostart virtual machines:
    Virtual machines                                                   failed
    Stopping VMware management services:
    VMware Virtual Infrastructure Web Access
    VMware Server Host Agent                                           failed
    Stopping VMware services:
    VMware Authentication Daemon                                        done
    Virtual machine monitor                                             done

    You must read and accept the End User License Agreement to continue.
    Press enter to display it.
    Do you accept? (yes/no) yes

    Thank you.

    None of the pre-built vmmon modules for VMware Server is suitable for your
    running kernel.  Do you want this program to try to build the vmmon module for
    your system (you need to have a C compiler installed on your system)?

  • Using compiler „/usr/bin/gcc“. Use environment variable CC to override.What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running kernel?
  • Extracting the sources of the vmmon module.Building the vmmon module.Using 2.6.x kernel build system.
    make: Gehe in Verzeichnis ‚/tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon-only‘
    make -C /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/build/include/.. SUBDIRS=$PWD SRCROOT=$PWD/. modules
    make[1]: Betrete Verzeichnis ‚/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.28-11-generic‘
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon-only/linux/driver.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon-only/linux/driverLog.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon-only/linux/hostif.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon-only/common/comport.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon-only/common/cpuid.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon-only/common/hashFunc.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon-only/common/memtrack.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon-only/common/phystrack.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon-only/common/task.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon-only/common/vmx86.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon-only/vmcore/moduleloop.o
    LD [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon-only/vmmon.o
    Building modules, stage 2.
    MODPOST 1 modules
    CC      /tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon-only/vmmon.mod.o
    LD [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon-only/vmmon.ko
    make[1]: Verlasse Verzeichnis ‚/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.28-11-generic‘
    cp -f vmmon.ko ./../vmmon.o
    make: Verlasse Verzeichnis ‚/tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon-only‘
    The vmmon module loads perfectly into the running kernel.

    None of the pre-built vmci modules for VMware Server is suitable for your
    running kernel.  Do you want this program to try to build the vmci module for
    your system (you need to have a C compiler installed on your system)?

  • Extracting the sources of the vmci module.Building the vmci module.Using 2.6.x kernel build system.
    make: Gehe in Verzeichnis ‚/tmp/vmware-config0/vmci-only‘
    make -C /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/build/include/.. SUBDIRS=$PWD SRCROOT=$PWD/. modules
    make[1]: Betrete Verzeichnis ‚/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.28-11-generic‘
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmci-only/linux/driver.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmci-only/linux/driverLog.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmci-only/linux/vmciKernelIf.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmci-only/common/vmciContext.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmci-only/common/vmciDatagram.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmci-only/common/vmciDriver.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmci-only/common/vmciDs.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmci-only/common/vmciEvent.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmci-only/common/vmciGroup.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmci-only/common/vmciHashtable.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmci-only/common/vmciProcess.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmci-only/common/vmciQueuePair.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmci-only/common/vmciResource.o
    LD [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmci-only/vmci.o
    Building modules, stage 2.
    MODPOST 1 modules
    CC      /tmp/vmware-config0/vmci-only/vmci.mod.o
    LD [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vmci-only/vmci.ko
    make[1]: Verlasse Verzeichnis ‚/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.28-11-generic‘
    cp -f vmci.ko ./../vmci.o
    make: Verlasse Verzeichnis ‚/tmp/vmware-config0/vmci-only‘
    The vmci module loads perfectly into the running kernel.

    None of the pre-built vsock modules for VMware Server is suitable for your
    running kernel.  Do you want this program to try to build the vsock module for
    your system (you need to have a C compiler installed on your system)?

  • Extracting the sources of the vsock module.Building the vsock module.Using 2.6.x kernel build system.
    make: Gehe in Verzeichnis ‚/tmp/vmware-config0/vsock-only‘
    make -C /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/build/include/.. SUBDIRS=$PWD SRCROOT=$PWD/. modules
    make[1]: Betrete Verzeichnis ‚/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.28-11-generic‘
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vsock-only/linux/af_vsock.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vsock-only/linux/driverLog.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vsock-only/linux/util.o
    /tmp/vmware-config0/vsock-only/linux/util.c: In Funktion »VSockVmciLogPkt«:
    /tmp/vmware-config0/vsock-only/linux/util.c:157: Warnung: Format ist kein Zeichenkettenliteral, und keine Formatargumente
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vsock-only/linux/vsockAddr.o
    LD [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vsock-only/vsock.o
    Building modules, stage 2.
    MODPOST 1 modules
    WARNING: „VMCIDatagram_CreateHnd“ [/tmp/vmware-config0/vsock-only/vsock.ko] undefined!
    WARNING: „VMCIDatagram_DestroyHnd“ [/tmp/vmware-config0/vsock-only/vsock.ko] undefined!
    WARNING: „VMCI_GetContextID“ [/tmp/vmware-config0/vsock-only/vsock.ko] undefined!
    WARNING: „VMCIDatagram_Send“ [/tmp/vmware-config0/vsock-only/vsock.ko] undefined!
    CC      /tmp/vmware-config0/vsock-only/vsock.mod.o
    LD [M]  /tmp/vmware-config0/vsock-only/vsock.ko
    make[1]: Verlasse Verzeichnis ‚/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.28-11-generic‘
    cp -f vsock.ko ./../vsock.o
    make: Verlasse Verzeichnis ‚/tmp/vmware-config0/vsock-only‘
    Unable to make a vsock module that can be loaded in the running kernel:
    insmod: error inserting ‚/tmp/vmware-config0/vsock.o‘: -1 Unknown symbol in module
    There is probably a slight difference in the kernel configuration between the
    set of C header files you specified and your running kernel.  You may want to
    rebuild a kernel based on that directory, or specify another directory.

    The VM communication interface socket family is used in conjunction with the VM
    communication interface to provide a new communication path among guests and
    host.  The rest of this software provided by VMware Server is designed to work
    independently of this feature.  If you wish to have the VSOCK feature  you can
    install the driver by running vmware-config.pl again after making sure that
    gcc, binutils, make and the kernel sources for your running kernel are
    installed on your machine. These packages are available on your distribution’s
    installation CD.
    [ Press the Enter key to continue.]

  • Do you want networking for your virtual machines? (yes/no/help)
  • Configuring a bridged network for vmnet0.Please specify a name for this network.
  • Your computer has multiple ethernet network interfaces available: eth0, pan0.
    Which one do you want to bridge to vmnet0?
  • The following bridged networks have been defined:. vmnet0 is bridged to eth0Do you wish to configure another bridged network? (yes/no)
  • Do you want to be able to use NAT networking in your virtual machines? (yes/no)
    [no] # Standard ist [yes]
  • Do you want to be able to use host-only networking in your virtual machines?
  • None of the pre-built vmnet modules for VMware Server is suitable for your
    running kernel.  Do you want this program to try to build the vmnet module for
    your system (you need to have a C compiler installed on your system)?
    Extracting the sources of the vmnet module.

    Building the vmnet module.

    Using 2.6.x kernel build system.
    make: Gehe in Verzeichnis ‚/tmp/vmware-config1/vmnet-only‘
    make -C /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/build/include/.. SUBDIRS=$PWD SRCROOT=$PWD/. modules
    make[1]: Betrete Verzeichnis ‚/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.28-11-generic‘
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmnet-only/driver.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmnet-only/hub.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmnet-only/userif.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmnet-only/netif.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmnet-only/bridge.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmnet-only/filter.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmnet-only/procfs.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmnet-only/smac_compat.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmnet-only/smac.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmnet-only/vnetEvent.o
    CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmnet-only/vnetUserListener.o
    LD [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmnet-only/vmnet.o
    Building modules, stage 2.
    MODPOST 1 modules
    CC      /tmp/vmware-config1/vmnet-only/vmnet.mod.o
    LD [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmnet-only/vmnet.ko
    make[1]: Verlasse Verzeichnis ‚/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.28-11-generic‘
    cp -f vmnet.ko ./../vmnet.o
    make: Verlasse Verzeichnis ‚/tmp/vmware-config1/vmnet-only‘
    The vmnet module loads perfectly into the running kernel.

  • Please specify a port for remote connections to use
  • Please specify a port for standard http connections to use
  • Please specify a port for secure http (https) connections to use
  • The current administrative user for VMware Server  is “.  Would you like to
    specify a different administrator?
    [yes] # Ich möchte einen anderen Administrator
  • Please specify the user whom you wish to be the VMware Server administrator
  • In which directory do you want to keep your virtual machine files?
    [/var/lib/vmware/Virtual Machines]
  • The path „/var/lib/vmware/Virtual Machines“ does not exist currently. This
    program is going to create it, including needed parent directories. Is this
    what you want?
  • Please enter your 20-character serial number.Type XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX or ‚Enter‘ to cancel:
    # Diese Seriennummer erhält man aufgrund der vorangehender Registrierung auf die engegebene E-Mailadresse
  • Creating a new VMware VIX API installer database using the tar4 format.Installing VMware VIX API.In which directory do you want to install the VMware VIX API binary files?
  • In which directory do you want to install the VMware VIX API library files?
  • The path „/usr/lib/vmware-vix/lib“ does not exist currently. This program is
    going to create it, including needed parent directories. Is this what you want?
  • In which directory do you want to install the VMware VIX API document pages?
  • The path „/usr/share/doc/vmware-vix“ does not exist currently. This program is
    going to create it, including needed parent directories. Is this what you want?
  • The installation of VMware VIX API 1.6.2 build-156745 for Linux completed
    successfully. You can decide to remove this software from your system at any
    time by invoking the following command: „/usr/bin/vmware-uninstall-vix.pl“.Enjoy,

    –the VMware team

    Starting VMware services:
    Virtual machine monitor                                             done
    Virtual machine communication interface                             done
    Virtual ethernet                                                    done
    Bridged networking on /dev/vmnet0                                   done
    VMware Server Authentication Daemon (background)                    done
    Shared Memory Available                                             done
    Starting VMware management services:
    VMware Server Host Agent (background)                               done
    VMware Virtual Infrastructure Web Access
    Starting VMware autostart virtual machines:
    Virtual machines                                                    done

    The configuration of VMware Server 2.0.1 build-156745 for Linux for this
    running kernel completed successfully

Natürlich ist diese Installation weitestgehend mit den Standardparametern durchgeführt worden. Aber hei, wenns läuft?

Nach der Installation ist die Weboberfläche über SERVERNAME:8222 im Browser erreichbar. Für Firefox wird bei Aufruf der Console noch ein Plugin nachinstalliert, was aber problemlos funktionierte. Sollte der Browser das Plugin nicht selbst finden und zur Installation anbieten, so ist es im Installationspaket des Servers unter ./vmware-server-distrib/lib/webAccess/tomcat/apache-tomcat-6.0.16/webapps/ui/plugin zu finden.

Root-User ändern

Hat man beim Installationsvorgang die Option „change root user“ übersehen, so kann man dies im nachhinein anpassen. In der Datei /etc/vmware/hostd/authorization.xml muss nur „root“ gegen einen auf dem System existierenden User ausgetauscht werden (Hintergrund: Der User „root“ darf sich auf einem Standard Ubuntu System nicht anmelden!)

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